
October 28th, 2018

1 Peter 5: 10-14

October 28, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Theme: God’s Grace
Passage: 1 Peter 5:1a0–14

In the midst of life’s difficulties and spiritual attacks:

1. Keep an eternal perspective (10–11).
a. God is the God of all grace
b. God enables us to share in Jesus Christ’s glory
c. God fortifies us to endure suffering.
d. God alone possesses eternal power.

2. Stand firm in the true grace of God (12–14).
a. “True grace of God”
b. Our responsibility: “Stand firm”
i. Hold on to what you know
ii. Commit yourself to loving your brothers and sisters.

Main Idea: In the midst of life’s difficulties and spiritual attacks, we are in right relationship with the all-powerful God who gives us his grace in Jesus Christ.

Application Questions:
• When we speak of God’s grace, what does this mean? Try to define God’s grace from what Peter has said about God and his actions toward us throughout this letter.
• How does God fortify us as the verbs suggest at the end of v. 10?
• What does Peter’s choice to praise God for his power suggest (v. 11)? Why do you think he chose this attribute of God over others?
• Sum up what Peter has exhorted and testified concerning the true grace of God.
• How do you stand firm in this grace (v. 12)?

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