
October 14, 2018

Caring For Christ's Flock -

October 14, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: 1 Peter 5:1–5- Theme: Caring for Christ’s Flock
1. Church leadership must care for Christ’s flock well (1–4).
a. Leadership is part of Christ’s plan for his church (1).
b. Leadership primarily involves member care (2a).
c. Leadership that cares for church members must be characterized (2b–3)
i. by a willingness to follow God’s design
ii. by an awareness to serve rather than receive
iii. by an example for others to follow
d. Leadership serves Christ to bring him glory (4).
2. Church members must submit to this leadership (5a).
3. Church community must act in humility towards one another (5b).

Main Idea: We must humbly submit to one another to glorify Christ as he shepherds his church according to his design.

Application Questions:
• How would you describe effective leadership in any aspect of life? How might that be similar to what we see here, and how might that differ?
• According to vv. 2–4, list and describe the characteristics of effective church leadership.
• How do we measure successful church leadership according to v.4? How might that differ from the way in which effective church leadership is measured according to typical church standards?
• What should submission to church leadership look like in your life (5)?
• How can we foster genuine humility at all levels within the church community?

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