
July 29, 2018

1 Peter 2:11–12

July 29, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Theme: EX2: Exemplary Exiles
Passage: 1 Peter 2:11–12

1 Peter 2:11-12 calls us to exemplary living.

Why: Who we are—foreigners and exiles (11a)

How? Two ways in which we live as exemplary exiles:
1. Abstain from sinful fleshly/natural desires (11b).
2. Maintain right behavior (12a).
For what purpose? In the end, those we live among will glorify God (12b).
Main Idea: God’s children bring him glory by living lives consistent with his word and character.

Application Questions:
• What do the ideas of foreigner and exile communicate about us as Christians?
• What are the fleshly desires that we are to abstain from? How are we to go about this according to verse 11?
• How do we maintain right behavior (v. 12)?
• In what ways may we as Christians be spoken evil of by this world?
• What serves as the ultimate motivation for this call to exemplary living in this passage (12b)? How does this take place now, and how will this take place in the future?

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