
April 29th, 2018

Exodus 20: 18-23:19

April 29, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Theme: The Book of the Covenant
Passage: Exodus 20:18-23:19


• Transition and Introduction: The Fear of God and Worship (20:18–26)
• Case Laws (21:1–22:17)
• Individual Regulations (22:18–23:9)
• Laws concerning Worship (23:10–19)

Key Themes
• All people are equal before God.
• Human life is valued above all else in creation.
• God sovereignly watches over and cares for all aspects of life.

Main Idea: God wants his holy people to love and worship him while treating others as they would want to be treated.

Application Questions:
1. How does Exodus 20:18–26 affect your view of God and how he should be worshipped?
2. Read through Exodus 21:1–23:19. As you do, mark which laws seem as if they could easily be applied to our lives today or address situations found in society today. Also mark laws that don’t seem like they apply at all. Do you think it is valid to apply some but not other laws from this passage to our lives today?
3. From the way that Paul speaks of and uses the law, what do the following NT passages seem to indicate about the validity of the law for us today: Romans 10:4; Ephesians 6:1–3; 1 Corinthians 9:8–12?

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