
November 10, 2019

Series - I DO : The Teaching of God’s Grace

November 10, 2019 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Titus 2:11–15

Passage: Titus 2:11–15
Theme: The Teaching of God’s Grace

Q: Why is the teaching ministry of the church necessary (2:1–10)?
A: God’s grace has appeared and will appear again (11).

Notice two results that stem from God’s grace appearing:
1. God’s grace teaches us how to live in this present age (12–13).
a. Reject the world’s way of life (12b)
b. Pursue the virtues that please God (12c)
c. Keep Christ’s return in view (13)
2. Jesus’s self-sacrifice transforms us to be able to live this way in this present age (14). For those who trust in him,
a. Jesus removes us from the control of sin
b. Jesus purifies us to be his very own people.

Main Idea: God’s grace compels us as a church to teach his saving and transforming work accomplished by Jesus Christ so that we can live out what it means to be the people of God.

Application Questions:
• To what does the language of appear/appearing refer in these verses? What would you say to someone that claimed Christians spend too much time looking to the distant past or future and are out of touch with what is happening presently?
• What do the three things that God’s grace teaches us in vv. 12–13 look like in real life? How should we go about teaching these things?
• According to v. 14, what is accomplished by Jesus’s saving work in our lives? How should this impact the way we think about our lives and the choices that we make?
• From the commands given to them in v. 15, how are church leaders to carry out this teaching ministry that is focused on the saving and transforming work of God’s grace? Why is this encouraging but challenging for you as a church member? What is this calling you to do presently?

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