
November 3, 2019

Series: I DO - Series :: Adorning the Gospel

November 3, 2019 • Pastor Josh Kee • Titus 2:1–10

I Do Sermon Series :: Adorning the Gospel
Passage: Titus 2:1-10

Doctrine (sound teaching; the gospel) produces ethics, which prove doctrine (2:1-10)
• The older men (2:2)
• The older women (2:3-4a)
o Responsible to teach the younger women (by word and by example)
• The younger women (2:4b-5)
• The younger men (2:6)
• Titus’ responsibility (2:7-8)
o Elders and church leaders are responsible to set an example by their teaching and by their lives
o Integrity
o Dignity (Seriousness)
o Soundness in speech
• Bondservants (2:9-10)

The glory of God and the mission of the church are Paul’s primary concerns (2:5b, 8, 10b)

Main Idea: The church is sustained, grown, and made effective through sound teaching that results in godly living at all stages of life. Members of the church have a responsibility to teach and equip one another for godly living that result in the glory of God.

Application Questions:
• How would you define discipleship? How does discipleship shape the character of the community?
• Does your life demonstrate the characteristics Paul lists for the various segments of the household? Where is growth needed?
• Where have you experienced/ seen cross-generational discipleship?
• Based on these verses, why is teaching so critical to discipleship? Where are you getting sound teaching?
• In what ways does sound teaching go beyond transferring information into transformed living? Is the teaching you receive leading to transformed living? How so?
• Why is it critical to have older generations of Christians connected to the younger generations of believers? What are the obstacles to this happening?
• In what ways are we prone to turn Paul’s teaching/ exhortation into an attack on individual freedom/ rights rather than focusing our utmost attention on the glory of God and the witness of the church?
• How are you involved in discipleship at CCC? If you’re not, how might you get involved?

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