
November 24, 2019

Series - I DO: A Focused Church Membership

November 24, 2019 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Titus 3:8–11

Passage: Titus 3:8–11
Theme: A Focused Church Membership

As members of Clearwater Community Church,
1. We must focus on the truths of God’s word (8).
a. A focus on the truths of God’s word motivates us to good works that please him.
b. A focus on the truths of God’s word benefits all people.

2. We must avoid issues that distract from the gospel (9).

3. We must distance ourselves from people that divide (10–11).
a. We are to humbly point out their error
b. If they persist, we must separate from them.

Conclusion: Biblical church members seek to please God by holding undistractedly to the gospel and pursuing the things it calls us to do.

Application Questions:
• Looking back over the letter to Titus, what good deeds are we to be careful to devote ourselves to as church members? How do these deeds benefit people with the church as well as those outside the church?
• What are examples of foolish controversies in our church today that distract us from the gospel and our responsibility to live it out in our own lives and in community with one another?
• Why do we resist the kind of confrontation and discipline that Paul calls for in v. 10? What should this look like if done right in our church?
• How is it unfruitful or unproductive for us if we fail to meet the needs of God’s servants and leaders (vv. 13–14)? What should this mean in our providing for needs of those leaders within the church?

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