
February 4th, 2018

The Approach of God

February 4, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

1. The covenant community of faith reflects who they are (1–8):
• We are the recipients of God’s saving activity.
• We are God’s treasure possession.
• We are a kingdom of priests.
• We are a holy nation.

2. The covenant community of faith responds rightly to God’s holiness (9–25).
• Understand that contamination separates us from God.
• Trust and follow his means of approaching him.

Application Questions:

1. Discuss the sequence of God’s activity and the outcome for his people that is described in Exodus 19:4–6. What is the significance of obedience and covenant faithfulness found in v. 5?
2. What is one of the purposes for God’s approach according to v. 9? How do we apply this today?
3. What do you think the significance was for all of the rules and ritual purification that takes place in vv. 10–15? How do you think this made the people feel?
4. Why do you think that God seems to be repeating himself in this chapter, especially vv. 20–25?
5. Read and discuss how 1 Peter 2:4–12 and Hebrews 12:18–24 apply this passage to our lives today.

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