
November 10, 2024

Christian Submission to Government, Part 2

November 10, 2024 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Romans 13:5–7

Theme: Christian Submission to Government, Part 2

Passage: Romans 13:5–7

Theme: A people transformed by God’s grace submit to the governing authorities (13:1a)

Reasons from last week (13:1b–4):

Governing authorities are established by God (13:1b–2).

Governing authorities are to enact God’s justice (13:3–4).

Results from submitting (13:5–6):

You avoid government’s wrath.

You maintain a clear conscience.

You display a godly testimony.

Actions to do: Give the governing authorities what they are owed (7):

In finance

In disposition

Main Idea: A people transformed by God’s grace submit to governing authorities as a witness that Christians are citizens of Christ’s kingdom.

Application Questions:

In looking at the results found in vv. 5–6, how would you prioritize them in order of importance or precedent. Which should come first and why?

What is your conscience? Can conscience be wrong? How does the command to submit to governing authorities help you maintain a clear and calibrated conscience?

Could displaying a godly testimony result in wrath or punishment? Provide some biblical examples. How might this occur today, and what should the Christian do?

How can a Christian fail to submit to governing authorities in areas of finance? Are there any areas financially with which you struggle submitting?

Why is our disposition toward governing authorities important? How can we have a proper disposition in attitude and speech toward those with whom we politically disagree?

More from Romans 12