Theme: Spiritually Dressing for Success
Passage: Romans 13:11–14
What time is it? (11–12a)
· It’s time to wake up (Be alert).
· It’s time for Christ to soon return.
· It’s time to focus on the Lord’s work.
Knowing Christ will soon return, live like a people transformed by God’s grace.
How? (12b–14)
1. Put off works of darkness, and put on the armor of light
2. Order your life around basic decency, not perversity.
3. Put on Jesus Christ’s works, and resist the flesh’s desires.
Main Idea: A people transformed by God’s grace display Jesus Christ in their actions and decisions by pursuing what one day they will be.
Application Questions:
· Considering Christ’s return, where do you need to focus time on Christ’s work? How are you going to go about doing that?
· What works of darkness need to be taken off in your life? How do you need to put on the armor of light?
· Of the three areas that we are to walk in decency rather than perversity, which area is a potential weakness for you? Why?
· What does it mean for the believer to put on Jesus Christ? How are you at putting on Christ in your own life? What’s one area of your life that you need to absolutely resist to which your flesh is drawn? How are you going to address that?