
November 3, 2024

Christian Submission to Government

November 3, 2024 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Romans 13:1–4

Theme: Christian Submission to Government

Passage: Romans 13:1–4

A people transformed by God’s grace submit to the governing authorities (13:1a).


Governing authorities are established by God (13:1b–2).

All authority derives from God (1b).

God institutes our leaders (1c).


Rebellion against government is against God (2a).

Rebellion against government will result in His judgment (2b).

Governing authorities are to enact God’s justice (13:3–4).

They are God’s servants for your good (4a).

Therefore, do what is right.

They are God’s servants, His agents of wrath, to punish wrongdoers (4c).

Therefore, be afraid if you practice evil.

Main Idea: A people transformed by God’s grace submit to governing authorities as an act of obedience to our God who has established them.

Obey God (Acts 5:29) and submit to governing authorities (John 19:10–11).

Pray for your leaders (1 Timothy 2:1–2).  

Application Questions:

How are we to understand submission to governing authorities? What does rebellion mean in v. 2? What other passages or scenes in scripture inform our understanding of this text?

What is Paul’s primary basis for submission? To what other institutions or individuals does scripture call us to submit? How might this impact the way that we understand this command here in v. 1?

Are there caveats or exceptions to Paul’s straightforward command for us in v. 1 to submit to governing authorities? Why do you think Paul didn’t provide any here?

Why is it so important that Paul twice references governing authorities as God’s servants? How should this affect the way in which believers understand the role of government in God’s world?

How do we go about respecting this command and following its intention if our governing authorities do things that are immoral or even evil? Can you think of instances when it would be justified to obey God over human authority (Acts 5:29)?

How has this passage challenged you to act toward the governing authorities over your life?

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