
September 2, 2018

1 Peter 3: 8-12

September 2, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Main Idea: We must treat others with love no matter their treatment of us because God has treated us this way.
- Attitude and treatment of fellow believers (8)
- Response to mistreatment (9)
- Reminder and warning that God judges according to our treatment of others (10-12)

1. Which of the attitudes and actions in verse 8 do you struggle with?
2. How are you serving within the church to demonstrate the actions of verse 8?
3. How would the average American citizen respond to the teaching of verse 9? Why do we struggle with this teaching?
4. How do we bring together a doctrine of grace that we are saved by faith alone with the teaching in verses 10-12 that speaks of God judging according to "works"?

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