
December 15, 2019

Series: Behold The King :: Spiritual Opposition to God’s King

December 15, 2019 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Revelation 12

Theme: Spiritual Opposition to God’s King
Passage: Revelation 12

Scene 1: Signs in Heaven (12:1–6): Satan and the spiritual forces that have aligned with him have continually sought to destroy God’s Messiah and his rule.
• God beautifully prepared deliverance for his people through the coming of Messiah even in the midst of difficulty times (12:1–2).
• Satan sought destructively to undo all of this by devouring the child (12:3–4).
• God has established Messiah’s kingdom by enthroning in heaven through his death, resurrection, and ascension (12:5).
• God has a place for his people while they await Messiah’s rule (12:6).

Scene 2: Spiritual War in Heaven (12:7–12): Satan has been defeated and cast out of heaven by the enthronement and current rule of Messiah.
• Christ’s enthronement as king in the spiritual realm means that Satan has lost his place as the great accuser of God’s people.
• Christ’s enthronement as king in the earthly realm means that God’s people stand victorious over Satan in this life …
o Through their faith in Christ’s sacrifice
o Through their witness to Christ’s victory
o Through their giving up their lives for Christ
• Christ’s enthronement as king in the earthly realm means that the defeated enemy is enraged and desperate.

Scene 3: Spiritual War on Earth (12:13–17): Satan seeks to destroy God’s current plans for his people here on earth.
• As hard as he tries, Satan will fail to prevent God’s plans for his people (the church) from happening.
• Yet, Satan will continually wage war on the individual people of God.

Main Takeaway: True victory in life comes through following God’s enthroned king no matter how difficult that may become.

Application Questions:
• From this sermon and the understanding of Revelation 12 presented, what do we learn about our spiritual adversary? Including what you know about him from other scriptures, where is he active and what is he trying to do?
• How is this message and the content of Revelation 12 scary to you?
• How is this message and the content of Revelation 12 encouraging to you?
• From the content of this chapter, how is Satan defeated in both the spiritual and physical realms?
• What does this passage call believers in Christ today to do? What does/should this look like in your life?