
December 8, 2019

Series: Behold The King :: Human Opposition to God’s King

December 8, 2019 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Matthew 2

Passage: Matthew 2:1–23
Theme: Human Opposition to God’s King

Sermon’s Point: God accomplishes his will in the face of opposition from people who reject him.

The Opposition: Even when God is working in powerful ways to accomplish his plan, people will oppose him.
• They simply will not give up their own autonomy and position to submit to God.
• They will even mask their opposition in religious ways.
• They will go to whatever means necessary to prevent God from having his way.

God: No matter the intensity or volume of the opposition, God accomplishes his plan.
• He sees his opponents no matter how well they hide their identity or intentions.
• He preemptively acts to accomplish his purposes.
• He stays true to his word despite the circumstances.
• He typically accomplishes his plan through the most unlikely people.
• He allows human opposition to do horrible things as he works in the context of sin to bring about his salvation.
• He directs his humble servants as they play their role in his grand scheme of redemption.

Will you submit or oppose the God who saves through his coming King?

Application Questions:
1. How are people today opposing God’s plan of salvation within this world? In what ways do you experience this here in your context?
2. From Herod’s example in this text, what motivation do people have to reject God? How do you manifest some of these same attitudes in your own life in reference to God’s will and work?
3. What amazes you about God from this story?
4. How would you answer someone that questioned why God allowed the horrible events depicted in 2:16–18?
5. Are you able to share an experience that you have had that demonstrates God’s direction and protection in your life from those who stand opposed to him?