
December 22, 2019

Series: Behold the King :: The End of our Longing

December 22, 2019 • Pastor Josh Kee • Revelation 19

“Behold the King” Sermon Series // “The End of our Longing”
Passage: Revelation 19

(19:1-5) Heaven’s Hallelujah Song
• vv. 1-4 – the elders and living creatures praise God
o for his salvation, glory, and power
o because his judgments are true and just
• v. 5 – the saints (believers) praise God
o all those who fear God
o includes the great and the small

(19:6-10) The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
• v. 6 – “Hallelujah!”
o because God is Almighty and he reigns
o King – sovereign; total authority
• vv. 7-8 – Marriage of the Lamb
o contrasted to Babylon’s judgment
o Union, covenant relationship between Christ and his church
• “clothed with fine linen”
o the Groom’s (Jesus’) gift to his bride (the church) is his righteousness
o this is the grace of the gospel – made righteous in Christ (Romans 3:19-21; Colossians 1:22)
• v. 9 – “Blessed are those who are invited”
o Luke 14:12-24
o True blessing, lasting possession belongs to those who are united to Christ
• v. 10 – Worship God! – proper response to Jesus

(19-11-21) The Conquering Christ
• v. 11 – Jesus is Faithful and True
• v. 13 - Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1; Hebrews 3:1-3)
• v. 16 – Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords
• vv. 17-18 – “the great supper of God”
o a grotesque image of God’s judgment
o contrasted to the joy of those at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
• v. 19 – the beast’s futile attempt to wage war against God
• vv. 20-21 – Christ’s swift and decisive victory
• Fulfillment of Psalm 2

• Entrust yourself to God by faith
• Study, meditate on, and contemplate regularly the works of God and allow them to inform your hope, joy, and peace in the present
• Align yourself to God – discipleship is essentially the act of continuously re-orienting our lives around the person and work of Jesus Christ and it will progress until Christ returns
• Rejoice with the angels in heaven over the goodness and grace of God in Christ!
• Speak about these things as you have opportunity

Discussion Questions:
1. What is the content of the elders’ praise in Revelation 19:1-6? What motivates your praise of God?
2. Why must we be careful to guard against materialism in our lives? Are there areas in your life where you are prone to long more for the world than for God? How can you guard against living for these things?
3. How does the second advent (coming) of Christ give his verse advent weight and glory?
4. How do the events in life that require waiting, longing, and anticipation help us to learn to long for Christ’s return? Where are you experiencing longing in your life now? How can this be turned to praise as you wait?
5. What is Jesus’ gift to his bride? As we are in a season of gift giving and receiving, how prominent is your excitement about Christ’s gift of righteousness?
6. How does the imagery of Revelation 19:11-21 help us remember why God’s gift of grace in Christ is so precious? How does it motivate us to pray for those who don’t know Christ and speak of his glory and grace where we have opportunity?
7. How does God respond to the threat of opposing armies in verses 20-21? How can this give us hope as we endure life’s various trials? Where are you feeling your hope, joy, or peace being threatened? Remember, God is for you if you are in Christ. He will vindicate his people and we will be blessed when Jesus returns. Take heart!