
April 8th, 2018

Do Not Steal

April 8, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: Exodus 20:15
Theme: Do Not Steal

OT Understanding of Stealing:
1. Kidnapping (21:16)
2. Theft of property (22:1–9)
3. Any form of dishonest gain (Deut. 25:16)
4. Mistreatment of those in need (Ezek. 18:7)

Principles that must be kept in mind:
1. Stealing degrades God’s gift of work to humanity (Gen. 1:28–29; 2:15–16).
2. Stealing includes the amassing and hoarding of stuff when poverty is ever-present (Isa. 3:16–26; James 5:1–6).
3. God expects his people to love their neighbor by treating them and their possessions with respect (Exod. 23:4–5).
4. Our possessions belong to us by the grace of God, not by our own right or merit (Deut. 8:18).

Main Idea: God’s holy people must treat others and their possessions with the dignity that God has bestowed on them.

Application Questions:
• What practical applications can we draw from the commands and laws given in Exodus 22:1–15?
• How do the mandates that God gave to humanity at creation (Gen. 1:28–29; 2:15–16) inform our understanding of work and possessions?
• What picture is painted by the following OT passages: Isaiah 3:16–26; Amos 8:4–6; Micah 3:1–3)?
• What should change in our lives based on James 5:1–6?

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