Theme: Sacrificing Self
Passage: Romans 12:1–2
Main Idea: Based on what God has done for us through Jesus Christ, we need to respond with worship.
1. Confessional Worship (11:33–36)
2. Physical Worship (12:1–2): Offer your bodies as sacrifices to God.
a. What does that look like?
i. Living
ii. Holy
iii. Acceptable to God
iv. Reasonable worship
b. How are we to do this?
i. Negatively: Don’t conform to this world.
ii. Positively: Allow the Spirit to transform your thinking
c. Result: You will be doing God’s will for your life.
i. Good
ii. Acceptable to God
iii. Perfect/Complete
Main Idea Restated:
God’s Work > Our Worship > Works
Application Questions:
· From the rest of the book of Romans, what are the mercies of God in v. 1? Why is it so important to see the work of God as mercy?
· How does the imagery of sacrifice capture well both what God has done for us and our response in light of his actions? How do you struggle with the notion of sacrifice in your own life?
· How do you find yourself struggling to not conform to this age? What from this age appeals to you? How are you addressing this struggle in your own life? What steps can you take to obey this command to not conform?
· How does the Spirit bring about transformation and renewal of our minds? What role do we play in this?
· What has this passage challenged in your understanding of God’s will for your life?