
September 30, 2018

1 Peter 4: 4-11

September 30, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: 1 Peter 4:7–11
Theme: Living out Christ’s Victory
How we live out Christ’s victory:

1. Understand the Time (7a)
2. Maintain clear thinking that turns to prayer first (7b)
3. Cultivate community with fellow believers (8–11a):
a. Earnestly love (8)
b. Demonstrate hospitality (9)
c. Serve with your gifts (10–11a)

Main Idea: Believers glorify God by living their lives for the betterment of Christ’s community rather than themselves.

Application Questions:

• How could Peter claim that “the end of things is near” and yet 2000 years has passed? Did Peter get it wrong? How is this statement applicable to our lives today?
• What can we do to be self-controlled and sober-minded in our thinking? According to verse 7, to what should clear thinking by believers lead? What hinders you in this area?
• How should love “cover a multitude of sins”? Does this mean that we should simply overlook sin?
• What spiritual gift has God given you? How are you utilizing this gift for the betterment of Christ’s church? What is hindering you from serving?
• According to verse 11, how is God glorified? Therefore, how do we bring God glory according to this text?

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