
October 27, 2019

Series: I DO - Exposure to Faithful Preaching

October 27, 2019 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Titus 1:10–16

Passage: Titus 1:10–16
Theme: Exposure to Faithful Preaching

Faithful Preaching of Sound Doctrine …

1. Silences erroneous teaching (10–11)

a. The identity of erroneous teachers (10)
b. The reason for silencing them: they mislead church members (11)

2. Counterbalances cultural influence (12–13a)

3. Rebukes wayward faith (13b–16)

Two-fold purpose for rebuke:
a. Restores believers to healthy faith
b. Exposes those who adhere to a false gospel

Main Thrust of Passage: We must submit our lives and actions to the faithful application of God’s word that occurs in the preaching ministry of the church.

Application Questions:

• From these verses, what characterizes false teaching within the church? How do we see this manifest in church today?
• How does faithful preaching of God’s word combat wrong belief in our own individual lives? How does it combat it in the life of the church? What might this look like in action in our churches today?
• Paul seems to stereotype the false teachers according to the cultural context of the Cretans. While we tend to shy away from stereotyping individuals today, what might we learn from Paul’s approach, and what does it teach us about cultural influence in our own lives?
• According to vv. 14–16, what indications are seen in the life of one who truly exhibits faith when confronted with their error? What is exposed in the life of one who doesn’t truly believe the gospel of Jesus Christ?
• What applications can you make to your own life concerning the preaching ministry of the church?

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