
September 16, 2018

1 Peter 3: 18-22

September 16, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: 1 Peter 3:18–22
Theme: Jesus’ Victorious Ascension

According to 1 Peter 3:13–17, if we suffer for doing what is right in conduct and witness, that is far better than doing wrong to escape suffering.


Answer: In so doing, we are demonstrating our hope in and loyalty to Jesus Christ.

Notice from this text what Jesus has done so that we should hope in and remain loyal to him:
1. Jesus suffered to bring us into right relationship with God (18a).
2. Jesus showed his victory over everything and everyone that opposes God through his death, resurrection, and ascension (18b–20).
3. Jesus saves all who pledge their loyalty to God through his resurrection.
4. Jesus subjected all spiritual powers under his authority through his ascension to God’s right hand.

Main Idea: Even if it results in our suffering, we must remain loyal to Jesus because he had the final say.

Application Questions:
• How does 1 Peter 3:18–22 relate to the immediately preceding context of 3:13–17? How does it fit into the larger discussion of right living and submission that began back in 2:11–17?
• How does Christ’s suffering serve as an example to us?
• While the understanding of the text may be difficult, what positive motivations can we take from Christ’s proclamation to the imprisoned disobedient spirits in vv. 19–20. (If you were present for the sermon, what is the biblical and extra-biblical background to vv. 19–20? How does this understanding help inform the ministry of Christ at his resurrection?)
• Is Peter suggesting that the act of baptism saves in v. 21? How do explain this verse in light of the clear teaching of scripture that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ?
• What do you find so assuring about the actions of Jesus in this text, especially of his subjection of the spiritual forces to his authority and rule?
• How does this text help us remain loyal to Jesus Christ, even in the midst of suffering? What actions does it call you to do in your everyday life?

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