
April 15th, 2018

Exodus 20:16

April 15, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: Exodus 20:16
Theme: Do not Bear False Witness

Old Testament Understanding of the 9th Commandment
False Testimony in legal contexts
Extension to include lying more generally

Jesus’ Teaching on Truthfulness for his Followers (Matthew 5:33–37)
We shouldn’t swear by oaths at all.
Our words should be fully truthful.

Main Idea: God’s holy people should be marked by truth in all we say and do.

Application Questions:
Take a look at the following passages to discuss how the OT extends the 9th commandment to include lying: Deut. 5:20; Lev. 19:16; Josh. 7:11; Hos. 4:2.
What are the dangers of justifying false statements? Is it ever appropriate to lie?
How do you apply Jesus’ statements about truthfulness in Matt. 5:33–37?
How can we use our speech to constructively build one another up through our speech (list scriptures that you can recall)?

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