
August 5, 2018

1 Peter 2:13–17

August 5, 2018 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Passage: 1 Peter 2:13–17
Theme: Living Submissively

We are commanded to submit to the authority structures established in this world.

To whom (13–14)? All human authorities, especially those governing us

Why (15)? This is God’s will to address the ignorance of this age.

How (16)? We use our freedom to serve as God’s bondservants.

Application (17): Give both peers and authority figures the honor they are due.

Main Idea: God’s children are to use their freedom to good by living submissively with one another in whatever context they find themselves.

Application Questions:
• When you hear the command to submit to every human institution, what goes through your mind? What is submission? Why does it have such negative connotations today? How should Christians view submission?
• Does v. 14 imply that Christians should do things that may be considered wrong if the governing authorities command it? Discuss your response.
• How do we obey the command in verse 16 without turning the Christian life into a drudgery?
• What can we do to practically live out verse 17?

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