
Mark Brennan

John 12:12-26

April 2, 2023 • Mark Brennan • John 12:12–26

"They Misunderstood the Messiah"

The Blessing of Godliness

October 3, 2021 • Mark Brennan • Psalm 1

Courage for a Day

September 7, 2022 • Mark Brennan

Do you ever face opposition in living out your Christian faith? At work, at school, in your recreational activities, or even at home? When you face that opposition, what do you do? Do you stand firm on Biblical values? Or have you been tempted to compromise, or even give in? And as you look at current trends in our culture, do you expect opposition to Christianity and Biblical values to increase or decrease? If you stood firm in the face of this opposition it required some courage. Sadly, in today's culture, courage is something that is in short supply, even amongst Christians. One famous leader has been quoted: "A decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West (United States and western Europe) today. The Western world has lost its civic courage..." So who is this fellow? And how can you or should we respond to this situation? Well, I guess you will have to view and see...! Mark Brennan, Elder

Psalm 27

December 1, 2021 • Mark Brennan • Psalm 27

One of the "Quotable Classics" of Scripture! I don't know about you, but I am curious! Mark Brennan will be guiding us through a study of Psalm 27, and the title has my attention. There are those movies that have been made that sort of reach a different level. They are "classics" and one way you can tell is by the quotable lines from the movie. Some movies have a great quotable line or two, and Gone with the Wind is at the top of the list. I also think of classic Jack Nicholson saying, "You can't handle the truth" in A Few Good Men, counts as another. But then there are movies with multiple memorable quotes. Some like Nacho Libre or Monty Python and the Holy Grail have many oft quoted lines, according to my sources. In the Bible, Psalm 27 is one of those highly quotable places in the Bible. As I took a minute to read it before sending out the teaser, I just could not decide which of the verses in Psalm 27 I love the most! So many great verses to quote and memorize. How is Mark going to handle this packed Psalm? What does he mean by living "winsomely"? I don't know either, so I guess we should..... http://....view and see! Steve

The Beautiful Beatitudes

August 15, 2021 • Mark Brennan

Mark and his wife Lisa seek to live out their lives guided by the two great commands: to love the LORD with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Mark served as a Marine Corps officer for 27 years, living with his family in places around the world, including Japan and Hawaii. He now works in his second career as a math teacher for Fluvanna County Public Schools. He and his family moved to the area in 2017 when they began attending Calvary Chapel. Mark and Lisa have been married for 33 years, and have eight children (three still living at home) and eight grandchildren. They have a heart for ministering to hurting people, and especially parents of prodigal children. In times of trial and difficulty, they remember God’s promise in their family’s life verse, Romans 8:28 – “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Mark 8:34-38

March 21, 2021 • Mark Brennan

Psalm 62

November 29, 2020 • Mark Brennan

A question: Which is stronger, water or rock? Our instant response would be "rock", right? I mean, would you rather I throw water or a rock at you? But if you look at a stream, you see that it is the water that actually wears away the rock. What is the water's secret? PERSEVERANCE! The secret of the water is a steady and constant flow over a long period of time. That is how it succeeds. Would you believe the same is true of us as Christians? No, we don't wear God down by slowly pestering him over time. But we do find the power OF God when we do not move from faith IN God. Is your life like a river of faith that watches problems erode as you cast your cares upon the Lord? Tune in as Mark Brennan walks with us through Psalm 62 and a discussion of Christian perseverance! VIEW AND SEE, Steve

I AM - The Vine

November 15, 2020 • Mark Brennan