One of the "Quotable Classics" of Scripture!
I don't know about you, but I am curious! Mark Brennan will be guiding us through a study of Psalm 27, and the title has my attention.
There are those movies that have been made that sort of reach a different level. They are "classics" and one way you can tell is by the quotable lines from the movie. Some movies have a great quotable line or two, and Gone with the Wind is at the top of the list. I also think of classic Jack Nicholson saying, "You can't handle the truth" in A Few Good Men, counts as another.
But then there are movies with multiple memorable quotes. Some like Nacho Libre or Monty Python and the Holy Grail have many oft quoted lines, according to my sources.
In the Bible, Psalm 27 is one of those highly quotable places in the Bible. As I took a minute to read it before sending out the teaser, I just could not decide which of the verses in Psalm 27 I love the most! So many great verses to quote and memorize.
How is Mark going to handle this packed Psalm? What does he mean by living "winsomely"? I don't know either, so I guess we should.....
....View and see!