Do you ever face opposition in living out your Christian faith? At work, at school, in your recreational activities, or even at home? When you face that opposition, what do you do? Do you stand firm on Biblical values? Or have you been tempted to compromise, or even give in? And as you look at current trends in our culture, do you expect opposition to Christianity and Biblical values to increase or decrease?
If you stood firm in the face of this opposition it required some courage. Sadly, in today's culture, courage is something that is in short supply, even amongst Christians. One famous leader has been quoted: "A decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West (United States and western Europe) today. The Western world has lost its civic courage..."
So who is this fellow? And how can you or should we respond to this situation? Well, I guess you will have to view and see...!
Mark Brennan, Elder