
Walking in the Spirit, Part 11

November 7, 1979 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We had a good time last night. I preached for two and a half hours, and we just had a super time. Father moved by His Spirit in a great way, and we give Him all the glory and the honor for it. People are hungry for the Word of God; amen? And I tell you, I never get tired of it myself, and I'm looking forward to what the Lord has for us this evening.

We're going to deal with the flesh a little bit tonight. We've been dealing, I can't remember how many weeks now, in the walking in the Spirit. We found out that God is a Spirit, and those that worship Him must worship Him (How?) in spirit and in truth. You're not going to communicate with God in the natural realm with anything that's going to be lasting. Now, God can hear our natural voices; we know that. We know that God can actually manifest Himself in a way that appears to be human. We know that angels can manifest themselves in the appearance of human bodies, all of these different things, but we've got to remember that God is a Spiritual Being; amen? And to really communicate with Him, we must communicate with Him in spirit and in truth. That means it's got to be in conjunction with the Word of God.

You can't make up your own rules. You've got to come to God in truth, in agreement with the Word of God. And, you know, one of the things that's caused a breach, actually, between the body of Christ and the relationship with Father has been the traditions of men. We've got to take all the traditions of men-and I say traditions of men, and each of us has our own little thing that computes in our minds. Some of us immediately think, "The Catholics!" Right? Some say, "It's the Baptists," the Assemblies of God, whatever else it might be; we've got to take every tradition of man and put it aside. Jesus said because of the traditions of men, you've made the Word of God of no effect. It hasn't been able to operate in your life. We've got to come to the place where we stand before Him purely and say, "Father, I'm going to worship You in spirit, from my spirit directly in communication with You, and I am now submitting myself to Your Word and whatever Your Word says is truth. I'll bring my mind and my body in conjunction with the Word of God. I'm going to bring it into conformity to the Word of God." This is the way that we have to worship Father...