
Walking in the Spirit, Part 2

August 8, 1979 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to the book of John, and continue our study on living in the Spirit. We spent a couple of weeks of introduction primarily showing you the sin in man. Man is a spirit; he has a soul; he lives in a body. We hit very briefly on some of the aspects of living in the flesh. We have touched briefly on some of the areas of spirit, and what we will do now that we have introduced the fact that man is a trinity, is to take each of these areas in detail and share from the Word of God how you are created, and how you are supposed to function spiritually, so that you can live victoriously every day of your life. How many of you would like to live without ever sinning again in your life? Would you? It's possible; it's been provided for us through the redemptive work of Jesus, and we are capable of walking sinless as we saturate ourselves with the Word of God. This is what we want to discuss.

Turn to John's Gospel, the fourth chapter. We will start this evening dealing with the spiritman, something we must understand before we can realize the magnitude of the new birth. So we will start the study right from the beginning: understanding what it means to be truly born again. How many of you have been born again? Okay. We will find out something in our study tonight. How many of you have been bornagain for 30 years? Okay, we have a few. Has anybody here been bornagain for 35 years? Okay, we have got a couple there (you are going to tell on yourselves in a bit, ladies). Forty years? That got them; they probably have been, but they are not going to admit it. Thirty-five was the maximum. Thirtyfive years after being born again, these ladies are just beginning to find out what the new birth is really about. Would you say that's so, Maxine, after all of these years of knowing that you were born again, that you were going to heaven? Father is beginning to reveal to people like this what it means to be a spiritual being and how to live through your spirit victoriously, bringing your soul and your body into perfect discipline. You might have been saved for 35 years, 50 years, or 70 years, without knowing what it means to be born again. That's where we will start; so turn to John's Gospel, Chapter 4, verse 24, and let's pick it up right here: "God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him," those who will commune with Him, "must worship Him in spirit and in truth." Okay, now; here is something that is very simple, and yet we must realize this: God is (what?) Spirit. God is a Spirit. How are you going to worship Him? In spirit...