
Walking in the Spirit, Part 4

August 29, 1979 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to the book of John and start off with our basic text for our study of living in the Spirit. John's Gospel, Chapter 4, verse 24, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." God is a what? Those "that worship Him must worship Him in…and in…" So, that means there's only one way to worship God. You can't worship God through your mind. You can't worship God through the physical actions of worship. There can't be traditions, there can't be certain actions that you go through. There's only one way to worship God; you worship Him from your spirit with the Word, praise God. So, this is really the only way that you can worship God. You can't worship God without the Word. You can't worship God without being free in your spirit.

We were just hearing from the sister right here that's involved with people that are born-again, but they're trying to worship God intellectually. They're trying to apprehend God through a book and this is not a book, my friends. This thing is a living entity. The Word of God is alive and it's powerful, praise God! And that Word is living. It's not something that is apprehended academically or intellectually. It's something that's discerned in the spirit of man. It's a source of food. It's a living entity within our spirit and when we worship God we worship Him in spirit and in truth. "Thy Word is…" (John 17:17). So, we see that this is the way that God has called us to worship. We also know that man is a trinity; right? He said, "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly…spirit, soul and…" (1 Thessalonians 5:23). So, man's a trinity. Man is a spiritual being. He has a soul comprised of emotion, intellect and will, and he lives inside a physical body...