
Walking in the Spirit, Part 3

August 15, 1979 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to the Gospel of John this evening. John's Gospel. We want to use the Scripture that we opened with last week. As long as we're dealing in the area of studying the spirit of man, that man is, in fact, a spirit, that he has a soul, he's living inside a body, we're going to be using this particular verse of Scripture. And in John's Gospel, the fourth chapter, verse 24, the Scripture says this, "God is a spirit." God is a spirit.

Now, man was created in the image of God; wasn't he? And God is a spirit. So, man was created in His very image, he was created a human being. He was created a spirit being that had a soul and abides inside a physical body. God is a spirit, and those "that worship Him must worship Him"-how? "In spirit and in truth." Okay, so, let's say it together. "God is a spirit: they that worship Him, must worship Him in spirit and in truth." There's only one way, then, that we're going to worship God. How is it? "In spirit and in truth." There is no other way.

You can't worship God out of your mind. You can't worship God with your body. You must worship God from the spiritual being that you are, and the only way to effectively worship God is for the Word of God to find its place in your spirit, and the Word of God will come forth through your spirit and bring worship to God. It's the only way that it can be done. It can't be done intellectually. It can't be done any way in the fleshly realm. Those that worship God "must worship Him in spirit and in truth."

Now, that does away with the thinking that the way to tell whether God is in this place or not is whether you get goosebumps. Amen? Goosebumps don't have anything to do with worshiping God. Amen! It does away with the idea that you have to have great oratorical dissertations/sermons that come forth and tickle the ears of men, because you can't worship God in the soulical realm. You can't worship God from your mind...