
Adam's Rib, Part 8

February 4, 1996 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We want to continue with the study we've been doing on Adams's Rib, and see what we can do to set order in our lives. As we were talking this morning, it's an eschatological purpose. It's because of the days that we're living in; it's the last days. Satan began his assault on the house, on the family, and he's going to continue with his assault on the family in the last days. We saw that "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man" (Matthew 24:39). We saw one of those aspects is going to be marrying, giving in marriage. We need, then, to understand that we have to fortify our households. We have to begin to fortify and protect, men, our families. I say "men," because the responsibility of the home being in order is yours. The reason that we're having so many of these problems today is because this nation has turned into a matriarchal society. The women have run the homes. The women are running our communities, today, through all of the little counsels. All of this little group and that little group. We see all the different things that are taking place. You say, "Pastor, are you opposed to women?" No, I married one. I'm opposed to biblical disorder; amen? I'm opposed to anything that goes contrary to the Word of God. It's important for us to see that there has to be order established in our lives. We're not going to change society. So, just put that up on the shelf right now. You're not going to go out there and champion the cause for the Word of God and change this nation. This nation will not change; it will continue to pervert itself to destruction. You're responsible for your household; amen? Men, "…as for me and my house, [Say it!] we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). Amen!

We realize that's the call of God on our lives. We have to break this momentum of the matriarchal influence in our lives and in our children, the next generation, just in case the Lord tarries. I don't think He is going to. But, just in case the Lord tarries, we need some godly men in the next generation. Thank God we have some in this generation; but not nearly as many as we need; amen? But we're going to get some more! We're going to get one before the night's over. I believe we're going to get one of you tonight, praise God. I believe at least one life will be changed tonight. We'll begin to see lives put in order. We'll pick them off one at a time. I'll take them any way I can get them, praise God! Seeing the house of God honored and Jesus exalted in our lives...

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