
Adam's Rib, Part 1

January 7, 1996 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to the book of Genesis. We're going to start a study, and we're going to be in this for a while. It's something we'll be going over in the Home Fellowship Groups, quite extensively, here in the next couple of weeks, because it's dealing with the hour that we're in and it's affecting the fellowship here. It's something that's going to continue to manifest. So, we're going to talk about preparing our homes for the last days.

We, right now, have ten marriages in this fellowship that are about to go up in flames at any moment. There are going to be more. It's the hour that we're living in. We're going to look at some of the things we can do to make sure we're right with God, that we're doing our jobs in the relationships, the covenants that we have. Many of you young people, the young adults, should the Lord tarry, who are going to be looking to cut covenant here. That you'll enter into this wisely and understanding what God's responsibility is, as it's been placed upon you. So, we're going to deal with the subject of Adam's Rib and start from there.

Let's look at Genesis, Chapter 2. Let's start at the very beginning, here. Verse 18 says, "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." "I will make him an help meet for him." Interesting phrase, isn't it? God is the author of this thing. God said, "I will decide who he needs for him." Now, in our society we think we're to decide who we need. Who we're to marry, who's best for us. God says "No, I've already chosen the parameters you can move in." Okay? So right now, we begin to see the biggest problem that we have in our society today...

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