
Adam's Rib, Part 2

January 7, 1996 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We went down and saw in 1 Corinthians 11, verse 8, then, "For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man." We spent a lot of time on that in our study this morning. "Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man." And as we were dealing with that premise, we were talking about the woman's role of helpmeet. Remember we said that role was one that was to stand before, to bring assistance and aid. We saw that the term "help meet" really came from the Hebrew word neged, which was negative, or the opposite perspective, that we were looking at, that ability to give the full picture by bringing that opposite perspective of what was in man but was removed in the person of Eve. So we need that counsel to be a whole individual, to move in wisdom.

But we saw also this morning that the reproof that came to Adam was that he did what? He hearkened, or listened to, his wife. Now, what did we say that meant? It didn't mean that you don't go for counsel to get that feminine perspective. That is what we are admonished to do. That's why woman was created. But it meant that the man could never listen to the wife's, whatever it is, perspective from an emotional or position that we saw in the woman. We saw the woman was the source, according to Timothy, of deception. The man could never allow womanly wiles, the woman's influence under demonic powers that bring her to deception, to bring a different direction in the man's life than what God has already spoken. That's what it means to "hearken" to your wife, to take her perspective, to allow the pressures or whatever to move you contrary to the established Word of God. So it's very important that we allow that principle to be established in our hearts. So we see, then, that the woman was created for the man. It wasn't good for man to be alone...

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