
Adam's Rib, Part 3

January 10, 1996 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen! Good to be dug out [of the snow]? Praise God! Many of you made it here Sunday, and we had a tremendous time in the Lord's presence here on Sunday. In fact, there's something that I've been going over for weeks in preparation, and we started-we were going to be having that for the body on Sunday. There were sufficient that were here that we did begin this series on Sunday, and those that weathered the storm came out, and we had a good time.

As I was sharing with the people Sunday, the thing that is so important-we have, right now in our fellowship, ten marriages that are on the verge of breaking up. They're capable of going up in flames at any time. And there's a reason for it-a couple of reasons, really. One of the reasons is the day we're living in. And we understand that there's going to be the destruction of the households. Jesus came and said, "I've come not to bring peace, but I've come to bring a sword, and I'm going to split your houses right down the middle. Three against two. Two against three." Amen? So the source of some of this is the Lord Jesus Christ and the purity of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So it's not something that we're to look at and be bewildered by. That's one of the causes however; but there's another cause, and that's just plain selfishness. Flesh. Rebellion. Okay? So those are the other causes that are infiltrating people's lives and those are all signs of the last days, aren't they? These are going to be on the increase and we understand that. Men are going to be lovers of their own personal pleasures more than lovers of God, so we're going to see the self-indulgence that is part of the last days that Paul prophesied of in Timothy. So it's the hour that we're living in...

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