
Generations, Part 9

October 31, 2010 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah!! Let's turn to the book of Mark for just a second. I thought that we were done Wednesday, but I want to continue along the lines that we've been on; dealing with the aspect of understanding that the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven is, is really generational. Our relationship with the Lord is individual; it's specific; it's dynamic--no question--but none of us lives to Himself or dies to himself. Amen? We're not our own; we're bought with a price. The Lord has placed us in His body--say it--as it pleases Him. So, we really don't have a lot to say about our function and our role in the body of Christ or in the community, in God's community. He gifts us according to His sovereign purposes; He places us by His sovereign will.

He's given very specific guidelines of the order of the ecclesia, the church, and how it's to function; the roles of all the specific people within the church. We've been pointing out very importantly: the church is comprised of families. The family was God's original unit. The family, as it came to our natural existence, preceded the church even though the church in eternity preceded the family; because the Lamb was slain from before the foundations of the earth. Now, when the family was formed and God created man and man was made in His own image, Father said, "It is not good for man to be alone." This is a very interesting thing, because Adam had to be very fulfilled in his relationship with Father, as he walked with Him in the cool of the day and fellowshipped with God. But God being so separate in His holiness and in His uniqueness, that fellowship was limited on Adam's part. God could fully fellowship with Adam, but Adam couldn't fully fellowship with God because he couldn't know Him as He needed to be known. In his innocence, he knew Him as well as the creature could know the Creator...

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