
Generations, Part 1

September 26, 2010 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. Let's turn to Genesis. I want to go over some areas that we teach on, of course, a lot in so many different ways, but it's been a long time since we've specifically taught on this subject, and [I'm] just trying to be prayerful and see where we are as Father is directing our course.

You know, we've shared so many times the emphasis here in the ministry of committing to faithful men, those that are able to teach others also. One of the first responsibilities that we have in that mandate is to teach our children and to make sure that they're trained up and raised up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord, and just to go back and evaluate where we are as a fellowship, where we are in our individual homes.

You know, it's very obvious what's been done in our midst in the political realm, especially here in our nation, but it's pretty obvious to me that with all that we've done politically, militarily, we've lost. We've become socialists as a nation, and frankly, the generation that voted this leader in was raised up through the ranks and through the schools to believe in it. It's how they think. And we sit here and we're so differently programmed that we find it hard to believe that somebody could be that naive or accept that ideology, and yet here we are all these years later; they won...

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