
Generations, Part 2

September 26, 2010 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's see if we can pick up where we were this morning. We are dealing again with a very sensitive area, and we're very aware of that. I think we can begin to see that the real issue we are trying to address, as it pertains to our fellowship here, is arriving at the biblical order of God in our homes and in the fellowship. It is an awareness, so that we are not ignorant of Satan's devices. I don't think it takes a genius. We can look around and see what is going on in the secular realm today. Children are taught to question authority. Things that sound ludicrous to you and me-I heard some of the information from people among us that work in the secular arena, in education. They were sharing of the different things that they were privy to. I think it is interesting. How do you feel about a college student's parent calling the dormitory that the child is living in, so they can address the authority there on a daily basis to make sure that their child is making their bed? I am not making this up. Does anybody think that is strange? What about the parent that will fly across country, to contend with a child's counselor on campus because of a grade that was given?

You and I are sitting here thinking that this is nonsense, and this is foolishness. It is the world that we live in. If we think that it is not going to have some kind of an effect on us, then we need to rethink that. The fact of the matter is this: we are living in a realm, in a society, where we have been taught for generations that authority is the "bad guy," and authority is always wrong. We, the individuals, are always taken advantage of and oppressed. We have and bear no responsibility. We can sit here and see it very clearly in some cases. We realize we're dealing with a spirit because, beloved, here is the issue that we have talked about from the very beginning, time, and time again. Satan is after the order that God has established, because truth thrives the best in order, in unity, in humility, and in an environment of humility or teachability...

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