
Prayer Warriors, Part 3

March 24, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. Let's turn to James and see if we can continue along where we were Sunday and just listen to what the Holy Spirit has to say to us. Father, we do come and we just ask that You would speak clearly to us this evening. Give each of us, Father, hearts to hear. Father, I ask that even now each one of us would just consciously bring our minds into subjection from the busy day that we've had and put it all aside because You deserve our attention. Cause us to focus upon You and Your greatness at this moment and rejoice in the love that You've shown us. Prepare us for the task that's ahead, Father, for that that You've called us to, that we'd look not with weariness or in any way fearful of what might lie ahead, but with an expectation and a joy for the privilege of Your call. For You have called us and You have ordained us to go and to bring fruit forth and You said that fruit would remain. For that we give You all the praise and all of the glory, Father, in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen.

As we were looking Sunday, of course, at that very familiar passage in James, Chapter 5, we took a little bit of time and talked about the great prophet Elijah. We saw that he was a man subject to like passions as we are. We can identify with that aspect of his life, but the Lord doesn't want us to just identify with his defeat and his depression, but with his victory on the mountain. Amen? He's declared that these signs shall follow them that believe in His name; they shall? When the Lord speaks that "they shall" it doesn't leave any room for questioning, does it? In our minds or in the enemy's. I want you to know something. There is nothing that Satan wants to war against more than a good prayer life. I can't remember who it was, but he said, "If you want to humble a man, just ask him about his prayer life." And that goes primarily for a lot of preachers. But the Scripture says, "...men ought always to pray [Amen?], and not to faint" (Luke 18:1)...