
Prayer Warriors, Part 4

March 31, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We're a blessed people to have come to that knowledge, amen? Not everybody knows it. I was out yesterday. I had an opportunity to minister to a number of different people out on the street. As I was talking to this man and his son, the son was probably in his thirties. Just sharing the gospel. The young man began to share his perspective. I just patiently listened to him as he just shared that his perception that there's just one God, and it's the same God for the Hindus and for the Muslims and that he, himself, was a Christian, however. But he believed that Christianity needed to be a little more acceptable of the other religions. He was saying that in just a very matter of fact way. I won't belabor the point, but as we talked, I let him say all that he had to say. When he was finished, I just shared with him. I said, "Well, you know, isn't the real issue what is going to be celebrated tomorrow? (Easter.) Don't you believe if God Himself truly came down in the flesh and walked among us in a sinless life and took our sins upon Himself to redeem the world and was buried and rose again" I said, "If Jesus is risen from the dead, don't you think that probably answers this issue?" He looked at me for just a moment. I said, "Do you know of any other religions that teach resurrection and the power of God to raise the dead?" He was like, "Well, no. Now that you say it." I said, "And if He is risen, then shouldn't we listen to what He says about Himself? He said, "I am the resurrection, and the life" and "He that believeth on me shall never die." Shouldn't we believe what the Scriptures say about Him that He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me"? Shouldn't we realize that the thing that you're saying should be taking place, Jesus spoke to actually in the total opposite? He is not a god, and we do not serve in a kingdom of tolerance." He snickered a little bit and said, "Yeah, I guess so, when you put it that way."

It's great just to let Jesus speak for Himself, amen? The tomb is empty. He is raised. He has ascended to the right hand of God the Father, and He ever lives to make intercession for us. So we rejoice in that. That's one of the great things, really, of Easter Sunday: not only that the tomb is empty, but that the throne is full. He has ascended back to the right hand of God, and He said, "If I go back to My Father, I will send you the Holy Ghost, a Comforter. And He will dwell in you, and He will bring all things that I have said to your remembrance." Do you want to know why that's such a big deal? Because as the Holy Spirit brings all things to our remembrance, that's where our ability to pray the will of God comes from. We know that it's the will of God because it was lived out in the life of Jesus...