
Prayer Warriors, Part 1

March 24, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. Let's turn to Ephesians this morning, Chapter 6, verse 10. "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. As we are coming into this hour, we don't want to be trusting in our own strength, do we? Yet it is so natural. It's in all of us. We have that tendency to trust in ourselves. We want to be in control. We do not only want to be able to understand all the "whys" and the reasons, but it's a very difficult thing for us to trust God. Most of us don't like to admit that. It is a very difficult thing to trust God, isn't it? Do you find it hard? Do you find it hard to make every decision based upon His promises, to make every decision and to live every day by faith? That's what it means to trust God. Do we trust our own wisdom? Do we trust our own accomplishments of the past? Do we trust our education? Do we trust our physical abilities? Do we trust our networking systems that we set up, or do we trust God? Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. As this hour is coming on us in a day that men have never known, iniquity shall abound. Guess what? That means tomorrow is going to be worse than it was today. How many of you think it's bad today? It is going to be worse tomorrow. Iniquity will continue to abound.

As we war against principalities and against powers, we are not going to be able to trust in ourselves. You remember that David went into the camp of Israel as a young man. All of Israel was cowering down, and David was astonished at the hearts of the people that had melted before their enemies. He said, "What's wrong with everybody? Have you forgotten who our God is?" That spirit that's in men like Joshua, Caleb, and David there's another spirit in those kind of people, isn't there? "What's wrong with all of you people?" It's not our ability. It's God in the camp. Amen? If God is for us, who can be against us? But if we don't live our lives in that way, if we begin to trust in ourselves, we'll begin to be fearful just like everybody else around us. We're fearful. We're dismayed by the corruption and the vileness of this crooked and perverse generation that we live in...