
Holy Home, Part 8

September 20, 2017 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to Ephesians… Ephesians, Chapter 5. Father, we do come to You tonight, and we ask for Your wisdom and Your great grace and mercy to manifest itself here in our midst. Father, as we've been studying Your Word in preparation for Your soon coming, we do cry out, Father, from the depths of our heart tonight. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. We stand in such need of Your visitation, Lord, in the church today-[in] the corruption within the church today. The warfare that we have as individuals with our own fleshly appetites and the battle against the age-the spirit of this age that we contend with, Lord. You've spoken toward and You've said if the days were not shortened, even the very elect would not stand. Father, let us have faith tonight, but not overconfidence. Let us trust in You tonight and not in our own wisdom and not in our past accomplishments and not in our knowledge of Scripture, but let us trust in our relationship with You and believe that You love us, Father, and You've given us grace to love You.

We can't love You, Lord, of our own. It's not in us. There's nothing natural in us that seeks God. No man seeks God, Your Word says, and yet that child-position of child and son and heir that that has now taken place in our lives through redemption. We cry, "Abba, Father." We do delight in You. We long for You to be here tonight and to know You better. So, with that the cry of our heart, we ask that You would speak to us again as we go to Your Word tonight concerning this subject of the holy home. A people who are a royal priesthood, a holy nation who have been called to show forth Your praises. You Who have called us out of darkness into Your marvelous light. Father, You're coming for a church without spot or wrinkle. There's still too many things lacking in our lives...

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