
Holy Home, Part 1

August 9, 2017 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Well, the Scripture says it's not good for man to be alone; amen? And that doesn't have an age limit on it. Praise God. Neither does living in order and following the same rules. I remember when I got engaged not too far back, my chaperones would get worn out into the evening as we were chaperoned on all of our time together. And the fact that you might be "mature" does not make you not flesh. So we realize that there's a safety and a way to walk out these betrothals and everything done to the glory of God; amen? We're excited about that.

We're going to be switching gears and actually moving into a study called the "Holy Home." We're going to take a little while and go back and look at the divine order in the home so that we can be prepared for the coming of the Lord, because a holy church is made up of holy homes. The church can't be holy if the home isn't holy. We realize that the tactics of the enemy are to come and bring schism and division, and the way that's done is for there to be strife and conflict and disorder in our homes. And to think, then, that we can have disorder in the home and come together in one accord, doesn't work.

So it's very important that we see that it goes way beyond our own personal gain and good to have things in order. It is for the glory of God. It is for the edification and purification of the kingdom of God; amen? And so it's beyond us. We don't live for ourselves. We live for God's glory and for God's honor. As we talk a little bit tonight about the husbands and their role in the home, their responsibility to love their wives as Jesus loved the church and the willingness, readiness, delight, to die to ourselves and to lay our lives down on behalf of our spouses, on behalf of our wives, is so important. For you, as the head of the house, men, to set this house in order is God's number one will for your life. If you're praying about, you know, what God's will is and "Is it God's will if I take this job?" and "Is it God's will for us to buy this home?" and all of those other things, they all shrink in comparison to the fact that it is God's will for you to bring divine order to your homes and for you to properly oversee and be the head that Christ ordained you to be from before the foundations of the world. How vital that is...

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