
Holy Home, Part 4

August 20, 2017 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Ephesians. We've been looking at the passage here in Ephesians concerning this preparation. He tells us in Ephesians 5, verse 21, that we're to submit ourselves "…one to another in the fear of God." This attitude of submission is so important in this hour. Remember, we're talking about the preparation of the bride for the coming of the Lord. This holy home that we're talking about is a corporate ministry that just replicates the individual ministry that the Holy Spirit is doing in each and every one of our lives, the preparation of the bride of Christ. He's coming for a church that is holy (amen?), without spot or wrinkle. Beloved, the holy home, "without holiness no man shall see the Lord." Amen? Not good works, not I was faithful at church, I paid my tithes, I lived a moral life. "Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord." Now, we know what holiness means. We took time to talk about that, but it means to be set aside exclusively for God's use. You were not created for this world; amen? We are not a part of this world. Everything you do for the world is vanity. It is worthless. So many of us that take so much pleasure and pride in our jobs, let me tell you something. Your job is worthless. It has no value of any means whatsoever. Everything you do, everything you take so much pride I, is going to burn up. It will be, at best, wood, hay and stubble. Yet we so engage ourselves in our work. We draw so much worth out of it. Oh, beloved, that we would begin to, in this last day, realize we are a people called and separated unto God exclusively. "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9). It's all vanity. All of that effort is worthless. Everything that the world wants you to be, God despises. Everything in the world that you do and derive pleasure from, that causes you to be raised up on the job and win the contest and get the certificates and get the name plate and whatever else it might be, all that is, is a projection of self. It's haughtiness. It's ambition and it is exactly the opposite of what the Holy Spirit is trying to get us to be in our hearts. It's so vital that we begin to see that...

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