
Holy Home, Part 2

August 13, 2017 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to Ephesians this morning. We'll continue on with our study on the holy home. It's quite a feat that we have ahead of us to have holy homes in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. We're living in a world that, the Scripture tells us, is reeling like a drunk man under the effects of sin. People talk about the climate and things, which is just symptomatic of the fact that everything is winding down. The reality is that Jesus' coming is sooner than when we first believed; amen? Our doctrine says that we believe in the imminent return of the Lord. Are our lives emulating that? We've asked the question before. We'll even give ourselves a little more time. If you knew you had 72 hours and then Jesus was coming back, what in your life, priority-wise, would change? How would you conduct your life? How would you prioritize your day? If we're not living that way, then we don't believe it, because it's by our fruit that we're known. We can have great intentions, we can have great doctrine, but we are what we do. We are, the Scripture says, the servants to whom we yield our members, whether of the system of the world, the pursuits of the world, or whatever it might be.

So we've been spending quite a bit of time trying to define what worldliness is and contrasting the kingdom of darkness with the kingdom of light. The Lord has been putting His finger on some very sensitive areas in many of our lives. Now, as we transition this over into the home, we're going to see the same thing. That many of our homes have begun to function contrary to what we say we believe. At best we're Pharisees and at worst hypocrites, if we're not doers of the Word. Tragically, if we're hearers of the Word and not doers of the Word then we have done what? We've deceived ourselves. What a great, great danger that is...

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