
Prayer Warriors, Part 5

April 3, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen! Let’s go ahead and open up this evening. We want to continue along the lines of—I don’t even know what we entitled this teaching; but we just want to look a little more at how vital it is, in this hour, for us to continue to develop our prayer lives. “…Men ought always to pray, and not to faint” (Luke 18:1). Amen? As we were seeing in Ephesians, that is our weaponry. We’re coming into a battle in this hour, and the reality is this: if we don’t put ourselves in the armour of God, we will fall. Period! In our own strength we are no match for principalities and powers. The deception that is coming in this last day will overtake you; it will completely, in its attack on your spirit and your mind, bring you into a place of dis-ease, dis-unity and then ultimately destruction. We want to talk about that and encourage ourselves. We’ll talk about the weaponry a little later on, but now we’re just stirring our hearts up in this great need.

I was reading a quote from D. L. Moody and he said, “I already know there will be two things that I regret when I stand before the throne of God: that I didn’t account for more souls won and that I didn’t spend enough time in prayer.” That’s very interesting. Spurgeon, the prince of preachers, said, “I would much rather have one man of prayer than ten preachers.” We know that in the tabernacle in London—I can’t remember the amount right now, but, as this great orator spoke, below the pulpit were gathered ten, twenty people who were praying the entire time that he was preaching...