
Jesus is Coming, Part 3

February 28, 1993 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We want to continue our teaching on the coming of the Lord and its drawing night; amen? It’s sooner than when we first believed, praise God, and it’s an exciting thing to watch! Let’s turn to Philippians 4 and James 5 this morning, just to look at a couple of passages to start us off. We need to realize that not everybody who says they’re a part of the body of Christ or who professes themselves Christians really believes the Lord is coming back. There’s been for centuries now—in fact we’re into millenniums of different perspectives on the return of the Lord and, in fact, for many centuries it wasn’t even a subject that was spoken of, because it was already assumed that there would not be a literal return of the Lord—because of the influence of the Catholic Church, and this is why you have so much trouble finding literature over these years on the Rapture of the church and the coming of the Lord. In fact, there’s people today who still embrace the heresy of Origin and others where this started in the spiritualizing of these principles instead of the literalness of interpreting the Word of God—that still adhere to this and it’s greatly influenced the way many people approach the coming of the Lord.

Even after the Reformation there was still confusion. Many, after the Reformation, were still adhering to these principles because there wasn’t illumination on this subject. So when we talk about these things and you begin to question and you say “How is it that anybody could not really believe in the coming of the Lord?” You’ve got to understand, there’s a big segment of professed Christendom that’s never really been instructed in this. That’s why you have the different camps...