
Jesus is Coming, Part 4

February 28, 1993 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Well, it’s not going to be long; amen? The Lord’s coming back, and I believe that we’re going to do everything in our power to be prepared for the coming of the Lord.

Let’s turn to Matthew, the twenty-fifth chapter, and we want to speak toward a couple of things that we were addressing when we let off this morning. We ran out of time this morning. I heard a guy that was speaking, it was a meeting, actually, of the Republican Party, and they were in a think-tank type situation and actually were having some different speakers that were coming and addressing them, I can’t remember, I caught the middle portion of this. Did any of you see that on C-Span? Did any of you check that out? It was interesting, that was taking place, and they had a number of people that had worked previously in different positions of authority, plus some of those from the scholastic realm that were there or the academic realm that were there and speaking toward the situation that we find the country in, and I liked what one of the speakers said when he got up. He said, “Really, [he said] I don’t have a lot of time, and I will not be speaking that long; it will not be near as long as it seems to some of you.” So, I think sometimes as we’re moving in these particular areas, we understand that it has to do with whether or not it’s meeting a need in our lives, and from some that I spoke to this morning, needs were met, so we say thank God for that; amen? Some that had come and said, “You know, I was, as a young believer and a number of years ago, I was excited about the coming of the Lord, and it was a motivating factor in my life, but, you know, I’d begin to hear the teaching of some of these others who were in positions of prominence that had actually stole that hope and that fervency from me, and actually got to believe the propaganda that was being put forth, but when you see what God’s Word clearly says and let it speak for itself, there is no question about the fact that the Lord is coming back.” Amen? He’s going to come back and take a church to Himself that’s spotless, that He can present to Himself a chaste virgin, and we need to be preparing ourselves to be that bride. So, thank God that the Word is ministering that life to us...