
Jesus is Coming, Part 1

February 21, 1993 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We’re in the last days; amen? Make sure our steps are being ordered clearly in preparation for the victory of the Lord’s coming, praise God! Let’s turn to Matthew 24 this morning. We want to talk about the coming of the Lord and the days that are ahead for us, the great victories we can expect. I believe that in these last days we’re going to see some of the greatest outpouring of God’s power that the world has ever known. We’re going to see it manifested in two ways. We’re going to see it in judgment and we’re also going to see it in the preservation of His saints. We’re going to see great, great manifestations of the power of God! We’ll get into the study and into the book of Revelation a little bit. We’re not going to spend a lot of time with all the specifics of the book of Revelation. We’re not going to spend a lot of time, actually, dealing with the intricacies of eschatology as much as we’re going to talk about the preparation of our lives for the return of the Lord Jesus. Because, very factually, we don’t need to know all the rest of that stuff. We’re not going to be here, so why worry about it? These are some of the things we need to understand as the body of Christ. What our responsibilities are now as long as we’re here....