
Pray With Purpose, Part 5

January 14, 2001 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Praise You, Jesus! Let's turn to Matthew and continue our study on prayer--praying with purpose. Those that come to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him, the Scripture says. So we pray with a purpose: to have our prayers answered. And we saw that the reason that we pray is not for our own personal gain or ease but that God could be glorified.

Prayer is that vehicle given to us to access the presence of God so that we could, in encountering Him, be changed more and more into His image and represent Him more effectively. The disciples came, and they said, Lord, teach us to pray like John taught his disciples. The Lord responded and said when you pray, you're not to be like the heathen and pray in vain repetitions or like the Pharisees who love to pray to be seen of men. We don't pray to be seen; we pray to have God seen. So He says make sure that you pray this way or after this manner, and then the very familiar model prayer was given to us: "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."

We've been talking the last number of sessions about that aspect of it--being able to pray with a total awareness of our dependence on God for everything because John 15 said without Him we can do nothing. In that prayer chapter of John 15--the abiding in the vine, if we abide in the vine, if His words abide in us, we can ask what we would, and it would be done--we saw that it was to enable us to bring forth fruit, and if we brought forth fruit, the Scripture says He would purge us that we might bring forth more fruit. And it's in that much fruit, the Scripture says, that our Father is glorified. So prayer really is for the purpose of glorifying God, and we've been looking at that aspect of it: the ability to walk in dependence upon God as the source, and to make sure then that as we approach Him we're not praying to try to enact our agenda but to find out what the real eternal purposes of God are...