
Pray With Purpose, Part 1

January 3, 2001 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen! Amen! Just remember to continue to pray for the work in Africa and the registration as the Lord is moving. There are some new things that are developing. Actually, we'll know some more as we get into next week; but, it looks like there are some doors opening in an avenue that is actually be better for us than that we were pursuing. That sounds like the Lord, doesn't it? As we continue to pray and believe God that there's something that is a very, very, obscure law--one that fits us very well. It's unique unto us, in fact. It would allow us to operate, actually, under our constitution and by-laws as we're set up here in the country. It would circumvent many of the laws in Africa and allow us to function as though the church were an American church, and be able to meet all of the needs that we're looking for over there. So just pray and believe God to open those doors. I can't get into all of the details of it right now, but it would be something that would really suit us even far better than that we were seeking. It would be a miracle, but we're believing for that. It would be good to see it done here in the next 45 days. Can you say amen to that?

As you're praying, also remember that we're believing the Lord to sell the building in Baltimore and we're not just looking to sell it; we're looking for at least $300,000 out of it. You can sell it easily. Right? How many of you would buy it for a dollar? So you realize that there is that that we're believing for and be able to re-invest that into the building of the new facility. The church has just purchased, as we were sharing, a beautiful 7-acre parcel looking to put up a building right now that would be about a 10,000 square foot building. That is the size of the gymnasium. The sanctuary would be half of that and with the raised ceiling in there. The other half would be two-stories. They were going to have to spend about $30,000,00 to bring in fill dirt. I said, "Why don't you dig a basement?" It looks like the basement would just about provide the fill dirt, so it will pay for the basement, praise God. We're going to provide our own fill dirt and just build a basement at the same time, so it will have double the footage. It's a blessing...