
Pray With Purpose, Part 4

January 10, 2001 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Those of you that haven't gotten your statements from the year's giving, it's in the foyer. Make sure you stop and avail yourselves of that. Again, it's just a blessing always to see the honor that goes to the Lord in the giving. The tithe is the Lord's and we honor Him with the first fruits of all of our increase. It's a hallmark of your faithfulness, and a blessing not only to the kingdom but it's effective in the heavenlies. You'd be surprised the power that that obedience manifests in the heavenlies. Talking about that, there's fruit beginning to manifest as some of us have really made a doubling up effort in our intercession and praying for doors of utterance to be opened, and things are going ahead with speed in Africa right now. Can you say praise God for that? For things to go ahead with speed in Africa is a miracle so that is something that is manifesting. We thank God for it. Talked to Ron just this evening just as he was sacking out and he had called. Some great things that are going on, as I shared. The attorney there for the government is actually wording everything that has to be given to the minister, and so he said, "I do this all the time, this is my job." He said, "I'll write it up." And he said it's just a formality. He said we believe that it will go in and go right through, so we say, "Yeah, we've heard that before. Our trust is in the Lord, amen?" So we're praying that God will open those doors and it's very interesting that as this door began to open--and we should know something on this by Friday--at the same time then there seems to be an open access to where Ron might be able talk personally to the president sometime here in the next couple of days, and so the other door is opening. Don't you like the way the Lord works? That would suit me just fine that that which is impossible is opened twice, praise God. Can you say amen to that? The enemies can't believe God's going to do exceeding abundant above anything that we could ask or even think...